HOME > NEWS > 20 das melhores músicas instrumentais folclóricas brasileiras, os sons da liberdade que vêm do coração
20 das melhores músicas instrumentais folclóricas brasileiras, os sons da liberdade que vêm do coração
O Brasil tem uma tradição musical profunda e diversificada, na qual os instrumentos folclóricos desempenham um papel integral. Essas músicas folclóricas não exigem técnicas deslumbrantes ou artificialidades, mas atingem diretamente o coração das pessoas. Eles vagam pelos rios e mares, percorrem os becos das cidades antigas e cantam as histórias mais comoventes desta terra com suas vozes mais puras e simples.
O Brasil tem uma tradição musical profunda e diversificada, na qual os instrumentos folclóricos desempenham um papel integral. O som do pandeiro é único e parece contar a história da cultura brasileira. A melodia alegre do acordeão sempre pode delinear um clima alegre e fascinar as pessoas. O som do xilofone é como o sorriso do sol brilhando nas terras brasileiras. O som nítido do triângulo é como uma alegria que quebra o silêncio, mergulhando as pessoas na atmosfera única da música brasileira.
The song combines elements of Brazilian folk music and modern music, and is distinguished by its strong drum beats and diverse instrumental arrangements, expressing a dynamic and rhythmic emotion.
This is a song full of North Brazilian style. It uses the traditional Cavalo Marinho performance style and uses a variety of percussion instruments to deliver a cheerful and energetic musical atmosphere.
This song showcases the Coco music tradition of Northeastern Brazil, conveying simple and joyful emotions with its unique handmade instruments and catchy melody.
This is a typical piece of Brazilian Frevo music that expresses the passion and vitality of life with its fast rhythm, unique wind arrangement and passionate singing.
This Chorinho music is distinguished by its delicate wind instrument playing and cheerful melody, conveying a relaxed and joyful emotion.
This is a classic Baião music, beloved for its unique triangle and eight-string guitar playing, expressing love and nostalgia for rural life in northern Brazil.
This is a modern Maracatu music that combines electronic elements with traditional percussion instruments to present an impactful and modern musical experience.
This song embodies Brazil's Samba de Roda tradition, conveying a strong cultural atmosphere with its relaxing melody, handmade instruments and Mestre Ambrosio's melodious singing.
This is a typical Maxixe piece of music that expresses its love and respect for traditional Brazilian dance music with its lively rhythm and cheerful piano playing.
This song shows the musical characteristics of Brazilian Congada performance, conveying a mysterious and passionate atmosphere through traditional percussion instruments and harmony.

This is a song full of Amazon music style. With its unique Marujada arrangement and Dona Onete's passionate singing, it conveys a strong regional cultural emotion.
This is Ijexá music full of religious elements, conveying a mysterious and pious emotion with its soulful lyrics and Claudia Nunes' melodious voice.
This is Afoxé music with social significance, which conveys respect and love for the cultural diversity of Brazil with its strong percussion instruments and passionate singing of Olodum.
The song embodies the Ciranda music of northeastern Brazil, conveying a light-hearted emotion with its upbeat rhythms, handmade instruments and Quinteto Violado's melodious singing.
This is a typical Brazilian Xaxado music, with its unique rhythm and passionate singing by Luiz Gonzaga, expressing the love and pride of the Brazilian inland culture.
This song showcases the Marcha Rancho music of southern Brazil, which conveys a joyful and upbeat emotion with its light melody and unique arrangement.
This is a song full of Jackson do Pandeiro's unique style, which conveys a relaxed and lively atmosphere with its cheerful Martelo Agalopado melody and traditional percussion instruments.
The song is distinguished by its unique Berimbau playing, which expresses the vitality and power of Brazilian Capoeira culture, as if one feels the fusion of battle and dance in the beat of the drums.
This song is loved for its cheerful Cavaquinho performance, expressing the love for Brazilian Choro music and the yearning for a happy life.
Known for its unique rabeca (Brazilian violin) playing, the song expresses a love for the folk music of northern Brazil and a deep attachment to the land.